Data Makes Us All Stronger.

Price and Quality Comparison Marketplace

The IT Services industry is a multi-billion dollar market where unnecessary complexity has been built into the process of defining and delivering services. GPO HEALTH has developed the first Price and Quality Comparison Marketplace focused on providing transparency to the lowest IT Services costs in Healthcare.

As a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO), we want to provide a mechanism where we can work together using market forces to improve both the pricing and the quality of services rendered.

Purpose Driven

Industry improvement for the collective good of all

Health is a social issue for which we all need to take responsibility. In order to drive change we need to focus on industry improvement for the collective good of all. One way we can do this is to help drive down costs. GPO HEALTH introduces a mechanism to lower prices and transaction costs. When prices are driven lower we hope resources can be redirected and utilized in ways that can be passed on to benefit social need.


To accelerate industry change.

To release savings to support clients as they improve and save lives.

A win/win for all!
We are partnering with both our Clients and IT Services Vendors to aggregate IT Vendor spend.

We righteously work to serve you better, adhering to our sound moral principles.


We at GPO HEALTH believe in constant improvement and continuous dynamic evolution to deliver our best, through creativity and dedicated efforts.


Each and every person associated with us, be it our clients, employees or partners, is treated with love, respect and are of utmost importance to us.


Synergy is the benefit that results when two or more entities work together to achieve something either one could not have achieved on its own. This is exactly what we at GPO HEALTH believe, working together like a complex yet smooth machine that offers the best performance possible.


Through continuous evolution and sustained efforts, we endeavor to outperform our own benchmarks, thus rising to the best in all that we do.


We aim to serve the needs of our customers and create value for our stakeholders by becoming the world’s most efficient and innovative GPO.

Finding a Solution

Introducing The GPO Collaborator Platform.

Lower your IT Services costs

We are partnering with both our clients and IT Services vendors to aggregate IT Services Spend and provide transparent industry cost management. We will move to a state of near real time information and a state of continuous improvement. Through our collaborative efforts with both new and established IT Service vendors we will help to deliver more affordable healthcare. A Win/Win for all!

Just as other organizations outside of healthcare have disrupted their industries, we will help unlock the complexity of the IT Services market - driven not only by discounts in the services rendered but by the total experience and convenience. We will match every IT Service into an SLU (Service Look-up Code), similar to an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) in the retail marketplace.

With SLU categorization, we can normalize the category for price and performance for each service rendered. We will aggregate all of this data within our platform, powered by “near real-time” analytics to provide a unique buying power position. Your data is no longer “out-of-date.” You can initiate a new project and have current market data every time you want to procure new services or supplement existing ones. Just check out the GPO Collaborator Platform and use the information at your fingertips to start negotiating.

At the same time, participating IT Service Vendors can gain insights into opportunities that you have provided that are available today and in the near future, allowing them to gain a wider entry into the industry, decrease their cost of sales, step away from win-lose negotiations and truly partner with our Clients for a positive outcome.

We have designed a platform and a system to solve the problem - starting NOW!